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BF2 Opinion

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BF2 Opinion Empty BF2 Opinion

Post by TheBig6 Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:24 pm

I just won a Clyde Milan BF2 on Ebay (The one on the right). It was an impulse buy and I'm not to familar with collecting this issue. The one I bought was described as EX/Mt and it does look nice. But after I won it I went to Old Cardboard and pulled up a scan of the one on their website (the one on the left).

Doesn't it look like the one I bought is missing the color off the letters and border around the picture. I don't know if this is a common feature or not with this set, also the color of the pennant appears different.
I'm not sure if this bothers me or not as I won it at a pretty fair price.

Opinions would be appreciated?

BF2 Opinion 64BF2 Opinion 270d_3
The Relic
The Relic

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BF2 Opinion Empty Re: BF2 Opinion

Post by TheBig6 Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:50 pm

When I ask the dealer about the piece, I got this responce. He's a very reputable dealer that I have bought from before and will in the future. The responce makes me feel alot better about the purchase. I would like to get the Old Cardboard issue that has the article about this set.

Congrats on winning this pennant. Old Cardboard did a nice article on this issue last year. The pennants come in a variety of colors and the text is printed in a variety of colors as well. This combination of gold lettering on a gold pennant is pretty unusual especially considering how hard it is to read the letters. Most of the print was either White or Black and the pennants come in a number of colors for every player. In other words, there are no set color and text patterns for a particular player. I hope this helps and isn't more confusing. Thanks again for your purchase
The Relic
The Relic

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BF2 Opinion Empty Hi Jerry

Post by nolemmings Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:54 pm

Dave's pretty much right, although I don't know how unusual that color combo is compared to others. Here's one that is similar.
BF2 Opinion 16BF2Rudolph
You're OK with that Milan, but if you feel at all uneasy, I'll take it for what you paid.
BTW, although the colors may vary for each player, the scrolling will not, to my knowledge. IOW, although the scrolling varies from player to player, it does not change from color to color.
Hall of Famer
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BF2 Opinion Empty Re: BF2 Opinion

Post by TheBig6 Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:34 pm

Thanks Todd, I'm looking forward to adding it to my collection. They go nicely with M101-4/5's, don't they.
The Relic
The Relic

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