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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real?

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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real? Empty Is this Indy Brewing Honus real?

Post by zouraspm Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:21 pm

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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real? Empty well

Post by nolemmings Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:15 am

looks like it could be OK, although I don't like the contrast in toning between front and back. Also, I received this not so assuring response when I asked if he had a return policy: "No,sorry. I had the card professionally scaned so what you see is what you get.Thanks Mike"

Professionally scanned? Wow,what'd that set you back?
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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real? Empty Re: Is this Indy Brewing Honus real?

Post by fisherboy7 Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:09 pm

Well, the card looks good from the front scan, but as Todd mentioned, the toning on the back isn't right (and doesn't match the front). Maybe just a poor job scanning (hey, even professionals have off days right? Wink )

The seller's response isn't what one wants to hear before plunking down a few k on a card. And the fact that he has two other PSA graded cards for sale at the same time makes you wonder why he didn't submit the Wagner. Still, if the card in first scan is what I had to go by, it could be worth the risk because it looks authentic.

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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real? Empty Re: Is this Indy Brewing Honus real?

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:42 pm

In the immortal words of Monty Python:

"Run Away!!!!!!!!!"

Just does not look good in my book>

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Is this Indy Brewing Honus real? Empty Re: Is this Indy Brewing Honus real?

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