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Old Judge Pete Browning

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Old Judge Pete Browning Empty Old Judge Pete Browning

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:10 am

As many of you guys probably noticed, a notoriously tough N172 Pete Browning just sold on ebay for $886. This card is on many advanced OJ collectors' want lists, so I figured it might go quite a bit higher than it did. Here's the link.

The coloring and texture of the card looked "off" to me. Maybe others were thinking the same way, given the relatively low auction result. Could also have been the poor scan though - makes it hard to tell.

Your thoughts? Just how scarce is the Browning Old Judge anyway?

Old Judge Pete Browning 0f7f_110...Old Judge Pete Browning 0fa5_110

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Old Judge Pete Browning Empty Re: Old Judge Pete Browning

Post by PeteBrowningFan Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:56 am

It looked like a really poor fake to me. Everything about it is "off". Admittedly, I was watching it, and hope the best for whomever got it, but it looks bad.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Old Judge Pete Browning Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Old Judge Pete Browning Right_bar_bleue

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