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18889 opening day photo

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18889 opening day photo Empty 18889 opening day photo

Post by sabrjay Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:43 pm

Opening Day, Philadelphia, 1889. Early action shot shows an attempted steal of second base; "ball" brushed in.

18889 opening day photo 10496112

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18889 opening day photo Empty Re: 18889 opening day photo

Post by sabrjay Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:54 pm

notice that home plate is a square

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18889 opening day photo Empty Re: 18889 opening day photo

Post by sabrjay Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:17 pm

Some info on the players in the photo from John Thorn:

Pitcher is John Clarkson. King Kelly in right field. Dan Brouthers at first base. Man stealing second base may be Ed Delahanty, who did steal a base in this game. Sam Thompson in Phils' lineup but not in this image. These are my ID's from the box score, not in original captioning.

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18889 opening day photo Empty Re: 18889 opening day photo

Post by m-mac Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:34 pm

Thanks for the picture Jay, great image.

Looks like one ump and he is moving fast to get a good look at the play. I think I read that the AA experimented with two umps for a bit during 1889, but concluded that the benefit was not worth the expense. Umping was difficult then, though by 1889, I think the position was better established with less turnover. So, who is the ump?

I do not see right field, but I will take John's word for it that he's there. If Ed stealing, who is in the batter's box?

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