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1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S

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1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Empty 1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S

Post by jdubbs10 Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:40 pm

Hey everyone. Im new here but not to online selling. I normally sell on ebay and deal on newer card forums. (jdubbs10) I have an Old Judge Mcphee I would like to move. I have not got it graded yet but would like to see what I can get for it now. check out the pictures and shoot me an email if you are interested. thanks. joshwhiteside@hotmail.com.

1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Sc000910
1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Sc000912
1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Dsc_0010

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 1
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1888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001888 Old Judge Mcphee F/S Right_bar_bleue

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